Last Expense Cover

Being prepared with Last expense insurance is one way to be certain your family is protected from funeral expenses.

What is the Last Expense Cover?

Last Expense cover helps you to ease the burden of funeral expenses from falling onto your family members after your demise.

This product is offered to institutions or groups to cater for the members & their named dependents’ funeral expense benefits. It provides a defined benefit to the beneficiaries if the covered individual dies during the defined Insurance period.

The benefit ranges from Kshs. 50,000 to Kshs. 500,000 per member covered and is paid within 48 Hours of notification & full documentation

To get the Last Expense cover, click GET STARTED.

Who can apply for a Last Expense Cover

Employees aged between 18 – 65 years.

Lending institutions include:

  • Registered chamas,
  • Saccos,
  • Banks,
  • SMEs,
  • Private and Public Organizations


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You’re able to relieve the burden of the family at the time as all has been taken care of.
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Assured Last Expense benefit  paid within 48 Hours of notification & full documentation
Geminia team

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How fast can compensation be done?

Mostly it’s 48 hours to help the family give their loved one a befitting send-off

Can an extended family take a last expense cover?

If the group is registered for another reason other than just taking an insurance cover, the last expense cover is provided as per the above guidelines.

What are the claim requirements?

The beneficiary must provide the following documents: claim-Identity card and the burial permit/death notification/death certificate

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